Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Hump Day

Oh Wednesday!  How I don't really care for thee!  Nothing really exciting happened today but I did manage to walk a lot.  I walked for 30 minutes with my coworker this morning and for an hour after work with a friend.  I know that I have to keep this up but tomorrow is going to be a dark day.  That means I won't weigh in for WW tomorrow because of fall break.  What is this mysterious fall break?  Well, back in the day when people had to pick cotton by hand, they would cancel school for a week to take advantage of child labor.  Now and days, we have machines for that but the kiddies still get out of school.  I'll weigh myself at the gym during lunch and post the number.  Not feeling too confident but i'm working one day at a time.

I had jambalaya for dinner tonight with spicy kielbasa and it was delicious.  I looked up the points and 1 serving is 8 points.  I think I had at least two servings.  My goal this week is to drink 1.5 liters of water a day and watch my portion control.  My idea of a portion is grossly over estimated.

1 comment:

  1. don't worry Tiff, walking is just as effective an aerobic exercise. but, drinking water is paramount. doing the exact same regime, but varying the water intake, i saw drastic weight loss differences. keep it up!
